
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Christmas in August

Anybody else having a busy month? I have several things on my plate this month, so I thought a simple quilting project was in order.

Christmas quilt as you go table runner
A year ago, one of my favorite online quilt shops went out of business and I snatched up a few yards yards upon yards of fabric for 99 cents a yard! I used some to make pillowcases, some to make my Scintillating Stars quilt, and now I'm using some to make Christmas table runners. Don't worry, I still have plenty for future projects!

Christmas quilt as you go table runner

I started with nine different one-yard cuts of fabric from the S'Noel line by Dana Brooks for Henry Glass & Co. I cut each into 2.5" strips.
Christmas quilt as you go table runner

I spray basted a few yards of the gray print onto some cotton batting and started sewing the strips to the batting. This quilt-as-you-go technique is quick and doesn't require extra quilting afterward.

Christmas quilt as you go table runner

Once I had enough strips to reach the end of my batting, the quilt measured about 40" x 90".
Christmas quilt as you go table runner

I trimmed up the edges, cut the quilt in half to make two 40" squares, then cut each of those into thirds to create six table runners.
Christmas quilt as you go table runner

I used more of the strips that I had already cut to bind them.

Christmas quilt as you go table runner

I still have a large stack of strips left, so there will be more of these in my future!

Christmas quilt as you go table runner

Now I will print a few labels and send them off as Pay It Forward gifts! 

Christmas quilt as you go table runner

I'm never sure if I should count "table runners" in my overall quilt count. I haven't in the past because the word "quilt" isn't in "table runner." However, it still requires all of the same steps and is larger than many of my mini quilts (that I do count)!

Christmas quilt as you go table runner

Maybe I should just call them a "table quilt" so I can justify counting them!

Christmas quilt as you go table runner

If I add them to my count, then these six "table quilts" make quilt finishes 29 through 34 for the year! I just can't do it! I can't add them to the overall quilt count! Mental block! So these are table runners 1 through 6 for the year!

Christmas quilt as you go table runner


  1. Hi Laura! Congrats on being showcased in the Henry Glass Desire to Inspire challenge! It sounds so exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing what you create! Have fun!

  2. Enjoyed these quick "Quilt as you go" table runners. Looking forward to seeing your Desire to Inspire Challenge projects.


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