
Monday, October 16, 2017

Glow in the Dark Spooky Eyes Quilt

Happy Halloween!

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

I designed this quick and easy glow in the dark quilt for the Halloween Sew Much Fun blog hop hosted by Jen at Faith and Fabric. The quilt is a quick make, and my boys love the novelty of it! It's perfect for hauling to our annual bonfires, hay rack rides, and trips to the pumpkin patch!

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If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design quilt patterns, and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial
Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial
Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial
Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial
Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial
Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

I think the same technique would make a great mini quilt, mug rug, or pillow too! It would be so fun to have the quilt for a campout or kids' sleepover too!

Be sure to check out all the rest of the fun Halloween makes on the hop!

Audrey at The Cloth Parcel
Bernie at Needle & Foot
Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts <-----That's me!
Miranda at I Have Purple Hair

Tutorial for Glow in the Dark Spooky Eyes Quilt

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

What you'll need:

1 yard solid black fabric (I used Kona Black)
1 fat quarter solid white fabric (I used Moda Bella 98)
Glow in the dark fabric paint (I used Tulip Fabric Spray Paint - purchased at Jo-Ann's)
17"x20" piece of fusible web (I used Heat-N-Bond Ultrahold)
1 yard fabric for backing (I used Glow in the Dark Spooky Eyes - purchased at Jo-Ann's)
40" square piece of quilt batting (I used 80/20 by The Warm Co.)
1/3 yard binding (I used Kona Black for this too)
Thread (I used Black 50wt Aurifil)

1. Prep the white fabric following the directions on the fabric paint. For mine, I washed, dried, and pressed it. (I also pressed my solid black and backing fabrics too.)

2. Apply the fabric paint to the white fabric. I sprayed the paint onto the fabric, then used a foam brush to be sure it was applied evenly. Let dry.

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

3. Iron fusible web to back of painted white fabric following the manufacturer's directions. (I used Heat-N-Bond Ultrahold this time - shown in the red package - so I didn't have to stitch the eyes down.)

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

4. Print out spooky eyes template so each eye is 3" wide. (I used the same eyes as what was on my backing fabric, and just enlarged them on my computer. If you google "spooky eyes clip art," there are many great ideas!) Cut out eye templates. Mark which eyes are left and right.

5. Trace eyes onto the back of the white fabric (I just used a pen on the paper of the fusible web). Cut out. Make as many sets as you want on your quilt. I made more than I needed, and used six sets on the quilt.

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

6. Remove the paper backing and press the eyes as desired onto the solid black fabric. (The fusible I used does not require stitching down, but you may need to stitch around the outside of each eye to secure in place if you use a different fusible.)

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

7. Make a quilt sandwich with the backing fabric, batting, and solid black fabric. (I use blue painter's tape to tape the backing fabric taut to my dining room table, then use curved basting pins to baste the layers together.)

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

8. Quilt as desired. I used the walking foot on my Juki TL-2010Q to quilt straight vertical lines about 3/4" apart using black thread. I did not stitch over the eyes. Instead, I backstitched a couple stitches just before and just after to secure the thread ends.

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

9. Once quilted, trim to 36" square or to your desired size.

10. Add binding using your favorite method (here is how I machine bind all my quilts). I used 2 1/4" wide strips this time (I usually use 2 1/2"), and it worked great!

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial
Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial


Please let me know if you make a Spooky Eyes Quilt! I'd love to see what you create!

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

Glow in the dark spooky eyes quilt tutorial

Linking up with Sew Much Fun Blog Hop at Faith and Fabric, Main Crush Monday at Cooking Up Quilts, Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River, Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts, Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication, Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter, Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation, Can I Get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts, TGIFF at Anja Quilts, Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts, and Tips and Tutorials Tuesday at Quilting JETgirl.

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  1. I've been waiting to see this one, since I saw the title. Soooo amazing!

  2. This is sooo cute! I love the spooky eyes. I didn't even know they made glow in the dark spray.

  3. My guild's block lotto this month is spooky eyes!

  4. This is awesome, and I love how the shadows of the trees makes it look like there are faces on the quilt, too! :)

  5. You are probably the most inventive quilter I've ever seen. Love this quilt!

  6. This would be so fun at a sleepover. I like the simplicity of the black and white too.

  7. Super fun quilt. Great for little kids at this time of year.. love it!

  8. This is such a fun idea. Love your design.
    Cheers, Karen

  9. How fun!! Never heard of glow in the dark fabric paint.

  10. Very Cool!! I've bookmarked this so I can come back and make it next year. Thank you.

  11. This is great! Thanks for the inspiration

  12. Hi Laura,
    Oh, this is SO fun! I love this, and didn't know fabric spray paint even existed let alone glow-in-the-dark. Oh, I am going to remember this for my new great-nephew. You have such clever ideas! ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. Oh. My. Word. This is so freaking cute - LOVE the spooky eyes! This is going on my 2018 To Do list for my nephew, he will love it!

  14. I do love this and the spooky eyes. I used the glow in the dark thread for my son’s Halloween bag years ago and loved it - some of the fabric was glow in the dark. This is a nifty way to make a really fun quilt!

  15. I LOVE this design! :) It made me laugh out loud with pleasure when I saw it - reminds me of a screen saver I used to love, way years ago, on our Macintosh computer. The saver had overlaid eyes appearing and disappearing with crickets, frogs and other night sounds in the background. So fun!

    :) Linda

  16. How great it is that something so simple can look amazing!!! What a great quilt for Halloween, no wonder your family love it.

  17. Thank you so much for actually giving us a pattern, which I LOVE and will make. Not everyone gives patterns on the hops anymore. Not to complain...but thank you for doing this. (

  18. Fantastic. I need to see if I can get some of that paint! I want to do a glow in the dark skeleton quilt!! Your method would be perfect! Thank you!

  19. Cute and clever and oh so spooky! Great job. Thanks for linking to Wednesday Wait Loss.

  20. How easy and cool is that? I hope your going to hang it outside during Halloween - will be a great decoration!

  21. Such a fun idea! Clever and cute, yet spooky.

  22. What a great quilt! So simple yet so striking. Thanks for the tutorial.

  23. I have a black cat called Alfie, and this would be perfect for him!!! Love how you have made the eyes glow in the dark; I will be trying this out soon!


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