
Monday, October 9, 2017

I Wish You a Merry QAL - Block 7

It's time for the seventh block in the "I Wish You a Merry Quilt A-Long!" (Block 8 was released today too!)

Poinsettia quilt block for Christmas QAL

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design quilt patterns, and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

Block 7 is a poinsettia designed by Sandy Maxfield of Sandy Star Designs. You can find the tutorial and pattern on her blog here.

I Wish You a Merry QAL

I was so pleased with how this block fit right in with my color scheme! I used Kona Lipstick for the poinsettia and Kona Cactus for the leaves and center. The white background is Moda Bella White 98 (I keep a whole bolt on hand at all times!).

I recently added a laser to my sewing machine (tutorial for adding one to any sewing machine here!), so I didn't draw any of the diagonal lines for making my HSTs! I just lined up the laser to be a scant 1/4" right of my needle, then I lined up the corners of my squares with the laser as I sewed. Worked perfectly!

Use a laser to sew HSTs

After piecing the poinsettia, I used Heat-N-Bond Lite to adhere the circle to the center. This is a good solution for coving the center where the middle seams might not all match up!

Poinsettia quilt block for Christmas QAL

I used Aurifil 50wt thread in Shining Green #5017 to stitch just inside the raw edges of the circle. I backstitched just one stitch at the beginning and end to secure the stitches.

Poinsettia quilt block for Christmas QAL

The block finished at exactly 12 1/2" square, so no need to trim!

A peek behind the seams!

Poinsettia quilt block for Christmas QAL

I'm really pleased with how the blocks are coming together! My color palette really gives the blocks a modern (yet somewhat vintage) feel - exactly what I was hoping for!

The first seven blocks of the Christmas QAL

Be sure to check out the other hosts' versions of this block! So many creative variations!

Abbie at Sparkle On
April at JANDA Bend Quilts
Becca at Pretty Piney
Karen at Tu-Na Quilts
Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts <-----That's me!
Vanda at Quilt in Piece

Remember, you can jump into the QAL at any time! You can always go back and make the previous blocks or just make the blocks that you like! Make a whole quilt using just a single block or make Christmas pillows for the whole family! There will be an amazing grand prize giveaway for those that complete a quilt top using all twelve blocks by January 16th!

Grand prize sponsors of the Christmas QAL

Be sure to share a picture of your finished angel block before October 10th to be entered to win prizes! You can post a picture in the Facebook group, on Instagram using #iwishyouamerryqal, or link up to the linky party at the bottom of Sandra's tutorial post.

Prizes for Block 7 of Christmas QAL

The prizes for Block 7 are a copy of The 4"x5" Quilt-Block Anthology SIGNED by author Carol Hopkins AND a pdf pattern of your choice from Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter! All prizes during the QAL are open to participants worldwide!

Join the fun! Let's all quilt along!

First seven blocks of Christmas QAL

This post contains affiliate links. Clicking a link does NOT affect the purchase price.

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  1. That green is such a fun color in this block! I love the way yours are taking shape, Laura.

  2. That laser attachment is so cool! Love your super fresh colors.


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