
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Holiday House Hop - Meet Jen of Faith & Fabric!

It's time for another stop on the Holiday House Hop! Today, we're traveling to California to meet my quilty friend, Jen of Faith & Fabric !

Holiday House Hop

Every Thursday for five weeks, I'll share about my friends and some holiday-themed patterns they have that you might like too! We'll each share our favorite Christmas song and a favorite recipe too!

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If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design  quilt patterns , and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular  Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group  where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

Three weeks ago,  I shared my holiday patterns , then  Anne of Said With Love  and  Charisma of Charisma's Corner  did the same, and this week it's time to get to know Jen of Faith & Fabric !

Jen of Faith & Fabric

Jen is a quilt pattern designer, fabric designer, YouTuber, and roller skater! She is Catholic, and she expertly weaves her faith throughout her business. She also homeschools her son, so we have that in common! She lives within walking distance to the beach in California, which means a business trip to visit her would be great fun!

Star from Advent countdown to Christmas quilt pattern

My favorite holiday pattern of Jen's is the Jesse Tree quilt pattern . It's designed as an Advent pattern - a countdown to Christmas. The pattern has 25 paper-pieced blocks, each correlated to Scripture as a way to prepare your heart for Christmas. I love the intentionality behind the quilt, and made one block last year (read about it here !). I'm hoping to make at least one more block this year! AND Jen actually *just released* a BOOK with devotions that go with all of the quilt blocks! I absolutely love the whole thing! An Advent quilt with a devotion book to use year after year with it! You can get the pattern HERE and the book HERE .

Jesse Tree quilt pattern - Advent countdown to Christmas quilt

Be sure to  hop over to her blog  to see all her holiday patterns! She's also sharing a holiday recipe!

Holiday House Hop

Be sure to stop back by the blog every Thursday so I can tell you about my quilty friends!

August 5 -  Laura of Slice of Pi Quilts  <---That's me!
August 26 -  Jen of Faith & Fabric
September 9 -  Tammy of Tamarinis

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