
Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 in Quilts!

I love looking back at the end of each year to see what all I accomplished!

Want to take a guess of how many quilts I made in 2021??


The final count was 27 quilts!

Quilts made by Laura of Slice of Pi Quilts in 2021

If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design  quilt patterns , and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular  Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group  where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

Each year, I set a casual and informal goal of making the number of quilts for the number of the year. So “15 quilts in 2015” or “21 quilts in 2021.” Ever since I started making the goal, I usually make WAY more than that!

Here's a recap of how many quilts I finished each year. Only finished quilts make this list, but they can be ANY size including mini quilts.

2010 - 1 (My very first quilt!)
2011 - 1
2012 - 4
2013 - 2
2014 - 6
2015 - 27 (The first year I set the "15 quilts in 2015" goal!)
2016 - 38
2017 - 52
2018 - 105 (The year I made 52 charity quilts!)
2019 - 124 (A year I vowed never to repeat!)
2020 - 21
2021 - 27

In addition to the 27 quilts I made this year, I also made fabric Christmas ornaments , memory pillows , quilted placemats , a fabric scrap wreath , several free quilt block patterns, a quilt that is waiting to be quilted , and an Exploding Heart denim jacket ! I recorded several videos for Missouri Star Quilt Co. , and I also helped more than a dozen kids from the local 4-H club make their own quilts!

Exploding Heart denim jacket

There are SO many wonderful things coming in 2022!! 

First up is the second Exploding Heart quilt along ! It's going to be so fun to sew along with you!

Next on the calendar is to release a few new quilt patterns ! I have THREE almost finished up!

I will again be teaching quilting for our local 4-H club, but I'm also going to be teaching a quilting class for our homeschool group! There are about 35 kids that I'll be helping to make a quilt this spring!

I'll be traveling to many quilt guilds in 2022 too! I LOVE meeting other quilters and sharing my quilts! (I can come visit your guild too! Email me!)

Of course I have some secret quilty projects in the works for later in the year! There's always something fun happening behind the seams! 

And I'll be deal hunting too! I love sharing great quilty deals with you in the  Quilting & Sewing Deals group !

Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group

What quilty projects will you be doing this year??


  1. The postcard of California, is this a pattern of yours ? Is it avilabale?

    I really like the goal of quilts to finish in a year! You did some really nice ones this past year!


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