
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Quilted Placemats for Kids!

Now that Christmas is over, I can show you the patchwork placemats I made for my niece and nephew!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

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If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design  quilt patterns , and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular  Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group  where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

My nephew LOVES construction equipment. He's only two, but can identify a bulldozer, excavator, or dump truck from a mile away! When I found a plate and utensil set that had construction vehicles for forks and spoons, I knew it would make such a fun gift! But of course I had to add a homemade element! A matching placemat!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

I started with a charm pack of the On the Go collection from Moda (you might find some HERE ), but picked out the prints that featured construction equipment. I added a few of the blenders so that I could cut them to make forty-eight 2 1/2" squares.

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

I laid them out into a 6x8 layout so that I could make a 12" x 18" placemat.

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

I first sewed the squares into rows...

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

...then sewed the rows together!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

I alternate the seams when doing patchwork so that they can nest and make better intersections. I also always press from the back first to get the seams to lay how I want, then I flip it over and press from the front. (I'm using my Oliso mini iron and wool pressing mat .) 

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

I chose a gray Moda grunge fabric from my stash for the back and grabbed a scrap of Warm & Natural batting .

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

Then I used my walking foot and 50wt Aurifil #2135 Yellow to quilt straight lines on either side of every seam.

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

A solid gray worked great for the binding! (Tutorial for binding HERE .)

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

I added one of my satin quilt labels into the binding too!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

It was a really quick make - less than two hours start to finish!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

But of course I had to make one for my niece too!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

I'm a mom of three boys, so I don't have a lot of experience with girls. I figured I'd be safe with pink and purple! Ha! I chose several prints from the Escargot For It collection and cut them into 2 1/2" squares.

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

Just like the other placemat, I arranged the squares, sewed them into rows, then sewed the rows together.

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

This time I chose a solid purple fabric from my stash for the back and quilted it using 50wt Aurifil #2588 Light Magenta

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

Hot pink binding seemed like the right choice!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

Another quick finish!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

Here's the construction one with the very cool plate and utensils !

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

And I got a pink Paw Patrol plate and silverware to gift with the other one! And when not using it as a placemat, it can double as a doll blanket!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

They were such hits with my niece and nephew, and I loved being able to make something homemade to gift!

Fabric patchwork quilted placemats for kids

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  1. Thanks for sharing. it is a great idea.

  2. Sweet and creative! I need to make a file of good ideas like this for when some kids come along in my family. Thank you!

  3. Cute idea! May have to use it for some of my Grands. Love the construction plate and utensils. Can I ask where you purchased it?

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I got them on Amazon!

  4. Super cute! My son has the fork and spoon from that construction set, we bought them when he was 2, I think? He's 8 now and they are still his favorites, get used all the time! (Also, you may be quicker than I am, but we had them for months before I realized that the fork was a fork lift. I do love a good pun!)

  5. Oh my word! These are fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing. My grandkids do NOT need any more toys. These will be perfect!


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