I Wish You a Merry QAL - Block 3 Tutorial

Monday, August 28, 2017

The I Wish You a Merry QAL is moving right along! Today, both blocks 3 AND 4 are being released!

Santa's Belt quilt block tutorial for Christmas quilt along

I designed Block 3 - Santa's Belt. The block is made with traditional piecing only and sews up quickly (a huge plus since there are two blocks this fortnight!). The block would be great for making into Christmas pillows!

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If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design quilt patterns, and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

I Wish You a Merry Quilt Along

If you're just joining the quilt along, you can catch up by reading the intro post (links to all the past blocks are there).

You can jump into the QAL at any time! You can always go back and make the previous blocks or just make the blocks that you like! Make a whole quilt using just a single block or make Christmas pillows for the whole family! There will be an amazing grand prize giveaway for those that complete a quilt top using all twelve blocks by January 16th!

Grand prize sponsors for I Wish You a Merry Quilt Along

Be sure to share a photo of your finished Santa's Belt block before September 12th to be entered to win prizes! You can post a picture in the Facebook group, on Instagram using #iwishyouamerryqal, or link up to the linky party at the end of this post to be entered to win some great prizes!

Prizes for completing Block 3 of Christams QAL by September 12th

The prizes for Block 3 are a six month subscription to Make Modern AND your choice of pattern from Cooking Up Quilts! All prizes during the QAL will be open to participants worldwide!

As a BONUS, Make Modern is offering all QAL participants 25% off single issues and back issue bundles - just use code MerryQAL2017 at checkout! They just announced the prices are going up September 1st, so be sure to grab the issues you want soon! The code will still work until the end of the QAL in January though! (Note that the code won't work on subscriptions.) I personally LOVE Make Modern! It's a digital only magazine, so it's delivered to your inbox just as soon as it's released! My Fruit of the Spirit quilt pattern was in issue 17, and I have a pincushion featured in the upcoming issue 18!

This Santa quilt block sews up quickly and would make great Christmas pillows!

Block 3 - Santa's Belt - Tutorial

If you prefer a downloadable pdf pattern, you can get that HERE.

Before you begin

This block requires accurate scant quarter seams. (This step is optional, but is very helpful to ensure your seam allowance is correct.) To check to see if your seam allowance is correct, cut two 2" squares from scrap fabric. Sew squares right sides together along one side using what you think is a scant 1/4" (a needle width less than 1/4"). Press. The finished piece should measure 3 1/2" long exactly. If it's less than 3 1/2", your seam allowance is too large. If it's more than 3 1/2", your seam allowance is too small. Cut two new 2" squares from scrap fabric and try again until you are confident your seams will be a scant 1/4" every time.


Red fabric for Santa suit
          (4) 4 1/2" x 5 1/2" rectangles
          (2) 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" squares

Black fabric for belt
          (1) 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" square
          (2) 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles

Silver/Gold/Yellow fabric for buckle
          (2) 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" rectangles
          (2) 1 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles

Santa's Belt quilt block tutorial for Christmas quilt along

Making the block

Santa's Belt quilt block tutorial for Christmas quilt along

Sew a 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" buckle rectangle to either side of the black 2 1/2" square. Press towards buckle fabric.

Santa's Belt quilt block tutorial for Christmas quilt along

Sew a 1 1/2" x 4 1/2" buckle rectangle to the top and bottom of this unit. Press towards the buckle fabric.

Santa's Belt quilt block tutorial for Christmas quilt along

Sew a red 4 1/2" square to the top and bottom of this unit. Press towards the red fabric.

Santa's Belt quilt block tutorial for Christmas quilt along

Sew a red 4 1/2" x 5 1/2" rectangle to the top and bottom of a black 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangle. Press towards the black fabric. Repeat with the remaining red and black pieces.

Santa's Belt quilt block tutorial for Christmas quilt along

Sew these units to the left and right of the buckle unit, nesting the seams of the belt and buckle. Press seams away from buckle.

Santa's Belt quilt block tutorial for Christmas quilt along

Block should measure 12 1/2", no trimming needed.

Be sure to look at all the different versions of Block 3 made by the QAL hosts too!

Abbie at Sparkle On
April at JANDA Bend Quilts
Becca at Pretty Piney
Bobbi at Snowy Days Quilting
Diane at Cwilt Fabrics & Haberdashery
Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter
Karen at Tu-Na Quilts
Laura at Slice of Pi Quilts <-----That's me!
Sandy at Sandy Star Designs
Sherry at Powered by Quilting
Vanda at Quilt in Piece

Join the fun! Link up to share your Santa's Belt block!

Let's all quilt along!

I Wish You a Merry Quilt Along blocks 1-3

This post contains affiliate links.

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  1. Great block and so much fun to see the different versions. Having a blast with this QAL. I have a plan to slowly catch up after my downsizing. I will go through some fabric in the next few days (once I can unearth some). Also have to make another version of mine!

  2. This block was so much fun to make. Maybe because it was easy and maybe because it so cute! Thanks for the pattern.

  3. Congratulations on a great Block Laura! It was so fun to make. I love your silver buckle.
    Another great idea for your block is a Christmas pot holder, I see a fellow QAL particpant has already made one and posted the photo on IG.

  4. Thank you for a quicker block. I really enjoyed this one, and finding fabrics for it. And I'm done more than 3 days early!

  5. Loved this block. Still 9.11 here on the west coast but link up is closed. I posted on Instagram and in the FB group. That is for a fun design.

  6. I love your block! Where did you find the silver fabric? I have looked around and all I can find is not cotton. :(


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