Hexies a la Mode

Friday, January 30, 2015

In December 2014, Beth Helfter of EvaPaige Quilt Designs posted on Facebook that she needed a “quilt tester” – someone to make a quilt from her pattern to make sure the measurements were correct and directions were clear. It sounded right up my alley – so I volunteered! (I ignored the fact that I was nearly 9 months pregnant with my second child!)

EvaPaige Quilt Designs Hexies a la Mode pattern

I'm not even sure how I stumbled across Beth on Facebook. It was probably one of those suggested pages. I'm sure glad I found her! She is super fun, and her writing style on her blog makes you feel like you really know her!

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If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design quilt patterns, and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

EvaPaige Quilt Designs Hexies a la Mode pattern

Beth emailed me the pattern and I had a couple weeks to make the quilt. I used cream and brown fabric from my stash, but bought the turquoise fabric from Wal-Mart since I was just testing the pattern. Once I finished the top, I emailed her a photo. There were several testers, and Beth posted all the quilts of people that tested on Facebook for a vote. The one with the most votes would be pictured on the back of her quilt pattern.

EvaPaige Quilt Designs Hexies a la Mode pattern

The voting began the day I went into labor to have my second child! While in the hospital, my husband kept checking the votes and updating me on who was in the lead. In the end, I won! I had two weeks to get it quilted and to send her a photo of the finished quilt. However, I was on bed rest for two weeks and unable to quilt it myself. I called Janice Gregory, a local longarmer, to see if she would custom quilt it on that tight deadline and she agreed! My husband took her the quilt top, polyester batting, fabric for the back (that I had previously used on a bulletin board in my classroom!) and a drawing I had made of what I had in mind for the quilting. A few days later, he drove me to her house to pick it up. I sewed the binding on even though my husband said it was more work than I was supposed to be exerting (since I was still on bed rest). I hung the quilt back up on our barn and snapped a photo.
EvaPaige Quilt Designs Hexies a la Mode pattern

Months later, Beth emailed me to ask what I thought if she would use my quilt on the cover of the pattern instead of hers. She did not like the way her quilt was photographing. A few weeks later, Beth sent me a signed copy of the pattern – with my quilt on the cover! I'm a cover girl!
EvaPaige Quilt Designs Hexies a la Mode pattern
You can purchase Beth's Hexies A La Mode pattern here! (Looks like it's no longer available)

Brow and turquoise fabrics are perfect for this Hexies a la Mode quilt

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