Chatting with Pat Sloan

Monday, August 13, 2018

You all know I love trying new things - and today is a day for something new! I'm a guest on Pat Sloan's American Patchwork & Quilting podcast!

You can listen to the podcast here. My segment starts around 27:30, but be sure to listen to the other guests too!

Pat mentions my bacon quilt that I made last summer. It makes me laugh just looking at it! You can read about it here.

We also talk about my Flurry quilt. You can read about the blue one here and the baby size version for Mister Domestic here. The pattern is available digitally in both my Etsy and Craftsy shops. I have paper versions too, I just haven't gotten around to listing them on Etsy! (Moving that up on the to-do list right now!)

I also give a bit of a hint of a quilt I'm currently working on! I'm hoping to be able to start sharing some sneak peeks on Facebook and Instagram next week! I'm experimenting and trying lots of new things with it!

I had so much fun chatting with Pat! Be sure to listen - and try something new!


  1. Hi Laura! Congrats to you on your conversation with Pat! How very exciting. I'll give it a listen. Happy Monday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I enjoyed listening to the podcast this afternoon while I was tidying up my sewing made the task much more pleasant! It was cool to hear your voice and hear about your background! Great job!

  3. Congratulations, I've never listened to a pod cast before, I may be hooked now 😊. Love 'flurry' it's beautiful ♥

  4. Congrats Laura! I'll be listening in this evening while doing some hand binding. Looking forward to it!

  5. That sounds very exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. Congratulations.

  6. How exciting! I have it queued up to listen.


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