Round Robin - Round One

Friday, January 29, 2016

Do you have a "best quilty friend"? Someone that you love to quilt with or someone you ask for sewing advice?

Heather is my BQF! Heather and I met in college, moved to different states, and have reconnected because of quilting. However, she lives in Texas, and I live in Missouri. Since we can't get together and sew, we decided to try something fun to connect through sewing - a Round Robin quilt.

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If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design quilt patterns, and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

We will each make a 12-16" starting quilt block. Then we'll mail it to the other person, and they will sew a large border onto the block. Then we'll mail it back to the original person to add another border. Then repeat one additional time. After the third border, the original person will be able to finish the quilt as they desire.

The goal is to mail each round on the first of each month. We both were a little eager to get started, so we've already exchanged our starting blocks!

For my block, I chose a paper pieced string star in the yummiest colors I know: aqua and red. I threw in gray and white to add some versatility with future design choices.

I started with this tutorial, but of course changed it. I wanted my finished block to be larger, and wanted my strips to finish at 3/4".

I stayed with three colors for the strips (aqua, red, and gray), but chose random fabrics to give it a scrappy feel. I felt this would be helpful for future rounds so fabrics would only have to coordinate, not match perfectly.

I received Heather's block yesterday! She went with a gray background and purple and turquoise fabrics for a scrappy look too.

feather round robin

Check back in a month or so to see the first border we added to each other's block!

red aqua round robin

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