November 4th

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The past few weeks have seen a flood of "VOTE" quilts on social media. Making a quilt using the letters v, o, t, and e is like the quilting version of an "I voted" sticker. The quilts are relevant, timely, and very important.

However, I began to witness some not-so-nice things on social media too. Name calling, cursing, bullying, personal attacks... This type of behavior breaks my heart in real life, and it broke my heart to see it on my favorite social platforms from some of my most respected business and quilting colleagues and friends. I knew I needed to make a quilt to try and say what my heart was feeling.

Love / Vote red white and blue quilt

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If you're new here, hello! I'm Laura! I design quilt patterns, and I'm a self-proclaimed deal hunter! Be sure to join the popular Quilting & Sewing Deals Facebook group where I post sales, deals, and coupon codes from all around the web!

I dug through my stash of red, white, and blue fabrics, initially wanting to make a scrappy quilt, but my scrap bucket is slim, and I just didn't have enough. I did have red, white, and blue Kona solids though! By the bolt! I had the perfect patriotic fabric for the backing and red and white stripe for the binding. Of course I had red, white, and blue 50wt Aurifil in my stash too!

Red white and blue fabrics and thread for a vote love quilt

I recently designed the paper chain family block, and knew it was exactly what I wanted for this quilt too.

Paper chain quilt block

Paper chain quilt block

I used EQ8 to draw up what I had in mind.

Letter E quilt block

The V was the only paper pieced letter.

Letter V quilt block

I also realized that I was only one letter off from an actual VOTE quilt!

Vote or Love quilt

The 16" x 52" quilt came together quickly!

Election quilt

I pin basted the backing, Warm & Natural batting, and the quilt top on my basement floor.

Red, white, and blue quilt

I considered doing free-motion quilting with a tiny meander in the white, then loops on the blue border, and straight lines on the letters. But with other deadlines looming, I knew I needed to be faster than that.

Voting/election quilt

Straight line quilting alternating from red, white, and blue was the perfect solution! I did all of the white lines first. I started in the center seam line, then used the guide on my walking foot to stitch another white line 1.5" to the right of that. I continued to the edge, then turned the quilt around and quilted the other half from the center to the end. Then I switched to red thread and stitched 1/2" to one side of each white line, then filled in with the blue.

Straight line quilting in red, white, and blue

I machine stitched the binding on (tutorial here), and I love the pop that the striped binding added!

Striped binding on patriotic quilt

I remembered to add one of my satin EverEmblem labels too! This shows a peek of the backing fabric too.

Satin quilt label

I rarely name my quilts, but just after finishing this one, I knew it needed a name: November 4th.

Love red, white, and blue USA election quilt

Someone you know voted differently than you. Someone you love voted differently than you. Your best friend, your neighbor, your child's teacher, maybe even your spouse (gasp!) may have voted differently than you.

One of us isn't "right" and the other "wrong." We're all American.

WE are the people.

Love / Vote red white and blue quilt

We must choose to love. Even when it's hard. Even when it seems our differences are greater than our similarities. Even on social media. We must choose to love.

The words we speak (and type) and actions we take are powerful. Name calling, finger pointing, bullying, cursing, etc will only further divide us. It is only through respect that we can truly become united.

What does November 4th look like?

If you are feeling anxious or angry or defeated or scared or any other emotion, please hear these words of Jesus: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)

If you need prayer or would like to know this peace that transcends all understanding, please email me at


  1. Thank you for this. It is so needed right now.


  2. This is beautiful and timely. Thank you, Laura.

  3. I love this, Laura! We all need to practice love in these crazy days!!!

  4. Your quilt is lovely as well as your wise words.

  5. So good, Laura. Thank you for saying and quilting what many of us are feeling.

  6. Love the sentiment but actually no, we're not all American?!?


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